Deliciously Nutty: Coffee Scented Hazelnuts Recipe

Are you a coffee lover looking for a new way to indulge in your love for this treasured beverage? Look no further than this Coffee Scented Hazelnuts recipe.

Not only are hazelnuts one of the most delicious nut varieties out there, but when infused with the aroma and flavor of espresso coffee, they reach a whole new level of amazingness. Imagine that mouthwatering smell of fresh coffee wafting through your home – now imagine it combined with the fragrance of roasted hazelnuts. Delicious, right?

But why stop there? This recipe will not only introduce you to the delightful world of hazelnut-flavored coffee but will also provide you with the perfect snack to complement your brew. Whether you’re hosting guests or simply treating yourself, these hazelnuts are sure to impress.

So why settle for regular old coffee beans when you can have perfectly roasted and scented hazelnuts in every cup? Read on for the full recipe and start indulging in the heavenly combination of nutty and aromatic flavors that only Coffee Scented Hazelnuts can offer.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Coffee Scented Hazelnuts
Coffee Scented Hazelnuts

If you’re a coffee enthusiast looking for an indulgent yet easy-to-make treat, then the Coffee Scented Hazelnuts Recipe is perfect for you. Here’s why you’ll love this recipe:

Firstly, it’s a refreshing departure from the usual coffee routine. Instead of the usual cup of joe, the combination of espresso coffee and hazelnut flavor transforms this recipe into a delightful and decadent treat. The addition of dark chocolate further elevates the nutty and sweet flavors that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

Secondly, this recipe is incredibly easy to make with ingredients that can easily be found at your local grocery store or online retailer. You only need unsalted hazelnuts, brewed coffee, sugar, water and hazelnut extract to make these mouth-watering treats. You can also easily make it yours by adding variations such as using hazelnut syrup or flavored coffee.

Moreover, the recipe comes with serving suggestions that complement the nutty flavors. It pairs perfectly with iced hazelnut coffee or even a cinnamon-hazelnut latte.

In addition to being deliciously satisfying, this recipe is also versatile. You can use the nuts as a topping for your ice cream sundae or even as a party snack for your guests.

Ultimately, if you’re looking for an easy-to-make indulgence that combines coffee and hazelnuts into one divine treat, then give this recipe a go. I guarantee that you’ll fall in love with its aroma and taste from the first bite.

Ingredient List

 Satisfy your sweet tooth with these coffee-infused hazelnuts
Satisfy your sweet tooth with these coffee-infused hazelnuts

Ingredients needed to make Coffee Scented Hazelnuts Recipe

  • 2 cups of brewed espresso coffee
  • 1 cup shelled unsalted hazelnuts
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon coffee fragrance oil
  • 1 tablespoon hazelnut coffee fragrance oil

Note: For a stronger coffee flavor, use coffee beans instead of instant coffee or espresso. Feel free to adjust the amount of sugar according to your taste preference. Also, make sure that the hazelnuts are unsalted to balance out the sweetness from the sugar.

The Recipe How-To

 Crunchy, nutty, and aromatic all in one bite
Crunchy, nutty, and aromatic all in one bite

Roast the Hazelnuts

Before we start, we have to roast our hazelnuts to give them an extra nutty flavor. Preheat your oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread the shelled unsalted hazelnuts onto the prepared baking sheet and roast them for 10-12 minutes until they are golden brown. After roasting, remove the hazelnuts from the oven and transfer them to a clean towel. Rub the towel over the nuts to remove any loose skins.

Make the Hazelnut Coffee

Crush coffee beans using a coffee grinder until they are finely ground. Then, place the grounds in the coffee maker with 2 cups of cold water. Brew the coffee as you normally would, but add 1 tablespoon of powdered espresso or instant coffee to boost that coffee fragrance.

While waiting for your coffee to brew, we can make hazelnut syrup.

Create Hazelnut Syrup

Combine 2 cups of water, 2 cups of sugar, and 1 cup of roasted hazelnuts in a saucepan. Over low heat, bring it to a simmer for about 5 minutes until it turns into syrupy consistency.
Remove from heat and strain over a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth. Voila! You got your very own DIY delicious Hazelnut-flavored Syrup!

Combine Flavors Together

In a separate bowl, mix together 1 part prepared brewed coffee, 1 part hazelnut syrup and stir well.

Prepare Your Iced Coffee

Fill a tall glass with ice cubes and pour over it your hazelnut coffee mixture. Garnish with whipped cream and chocolate sauce if desired.

Tip: instead of making ice cubes out of plain water, use brewed hazelnut coffee instead.

Congratulations, you have just made your very own fantastic hazelnut iced coffee! Take a sip and enjoy the refreshing hazelnut-flavored drink on a hot summer day!

Substitutions and Variations

 These coffee-scented hazelnuts are the perfect snack for any coffee lover
These coffee-scented hazelnuts are the perfect snack for any coffee lover

The great thing about this coffee-scented hazelnuts recipe is how adaptable it is to individual taste preferences and ingredient availability. Here are some options to consider:

– Ingredient swaps: If you don’t have hazelnuts on hand, try using almonds or pecans instead. You can also switch up the coffee element by using instant coffee, hazelnut syrup or even green mountain coffee beans.

– Flavor variations: For an extra kick of flavor, add a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla extract to the sugar and water mixture. You could also try swapping the dark chocolate for white chocolate, or omitting it altogether.

– Brewing choices: While this recipe calls for brewed coffee, you can easily make it with instant coffee as well. This is an excellent way to enjoy the flavors of delicious hazelnut coffee without having to brew a full pot of coffee.

– Serve it up cold: For a refreshing twist, use this recipe to make iced coffee scented with hazelnut. Brew a batch of hazelnut-flavored iced coffee by mixing cold water and ground coffee in a jar or pitcher and letting it steep overnight in the refrigerator. Mix in the sugar and water mixture before adding in the shelled unsalted hazelnuts.

– Gift ideas: Once you’ve mastered this recipe, you can easily turn it into a homemade gift by creating small jars of nuts scented with your favorite coffee fragrance oil or making a fragrant soy candle using ground coffee beans.

Whatever variation you choose, don’t hesitate to get creative with this easy recipe! With these substitutions and variations, you can be sure that these delicious hazelnut-scented nuts will appeal to every taste bud out there.

Serving and Pairing

 Shake up your usual coffee routine with this delectable treat
Shake up your usual coffee routine with this delectable treat

Once you’ve made these coffee-scented hazelnuts, serve them immediately for maximum crunch and flavor. Serve them alongside your favorite cup of coffee for the ultimate pairing experience. This recipe is perfect for a morning or afternoon snack, and it’s a great option to serve when entertaining guests.

For those who enjoy iced coffee, try adding a handful of coffee-scented hazelnuts to your drink to give it an extra boost of flavor and texture. You can also use these nuts as a topping for your favorite dessert, such as ice cream or brownies.

If you’re looking for a beverage to pair with the hazelnuts, try brewing up a cup of hazelnut-flavored coffee or adding a splash of hazelnut syrup to your favorite cup of joe. For those who prefer tea, pair the nuts with a black tea blend that has hints of chocolate or nutty flavors.

For an unconventional pairing option, burn a soy candle with notes of coffee fragrance oil while enjoying these crunchy bites. The combination will create an ambiance of coziness and warmth that will truly elevate the entire experience.

No matter how you choose to serve and pair these coffee-scented hazelnuts, one thing is certain: they will be an instant crowd-pleaser.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Can you smell the aroma of roasted coffee beans and toasty hazelnuts?
Can you smell the aroma of roasted coffee beans and toasty hazelnuts?

These coffee-scented hazelnuts are a perfect snack to make ahead and store for later. Once cooled, store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. I wouldn’t recommend storing them in the fridge or freezer as this can affect their texture and flavour.

Reheating the hazelnuts may cause the sugar to melt and crystallize, making them less crisp. However, if you need to reheat them, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in a preheated oven at 300°F for just a few minutes until they’re warm. Be sure to keep an eye on them so they don’t burn.

These hazelnuts are also a great addition to your morning coffee routine. Simply add them to your coffee maker or French press when brewing your coffee for an added coffee fragrance and sweet nutty flavour.

These make-ahead nuts are not just great as a snack but can also give you that extra boost of energy while fighting off hunger pangs between meals during the day.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Trust me, one bite of these addictive hazelnuts and you won't be able to stop
Trust me, one bite of these addictive hazelnuts and you won’t be able to stop

To make the perfect Coffee Scented Hazelnuts, here are some tips to ensure success. Firstly, make sure to use the freshest ingredients available. This simple yet essential step can make all the difference in flavor and overall outcome.

Next, when brewing the coffee, opt for a quality brand that has a rich and robust taste. A popular choice is Green Mountain Coffee or Starbucks but choose any brand you like. Additionally, make sure to use a coffee maker or French press that will allow the coffee to fully infuse with the hazelnuts.

When making the hazelnut coffee syrup, be sure to dissolve the sugar completely in the water before adding in the ground coffee beans and hazelnut extract. This will ensure that there are no grainy sugar crystals left in the final product and that the flavors are evenly distributed.

For added depth of flavor, sprinkle cinnamon or cocoa powder over the cooled coffee scented hazelnuts before serving. Another suggestion would be to dip them in melted chocolate for a decadent treat.

Finally, storing these delicious morsels properly is key to maintaining their freshness and optimal flavor. Store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week, or in the freezer for longer shelf life.

By following these tips, you will be able to make delectable Coffee Scented Hazelnuts that are sure to impress your guests or satisfy your sweet cravings.


As we approach the end of our recipe article, it’s essential to address some questions that might pop into your mind regarding this stunning coffee-scented hazelnuts recipe. Here are some answers to the frequently asked questions related to the ingredients, variations, and preparation of this dish.

How do they make hazelnut flavored coffee?

Hazelnut coffee gets its flavor from the addition of oils, either synthetic or natural, to coffee beans that are usually considered of low quality. When coffee is impacted by several defects or is given an extended period to age, often many months or even years, it becomes classified as low-grade.

How do you add natural hazelnut flavor to coffee?

When it comes to making your perfect cup of coffee, the first thing you should do is choose a roast that will suit your tastes. Once you’ve got that sorted, get some unsalted hazelnuts, shell them and add them to your coffee grinder. You’ll want to grind the beans and nuts together until they’re at your preferred consistency. When that’s done, brew it up in a French press and get ready to enjoy one of the tastiest cups of coffee you’ve ever had.

Can you put hazelnut extract in coffee?

If you’re keen on sipping a cup of hazelnut flavored coffee or latte, hazelnut extract can be your go-to ingredient for this purpose. Simply blend a small quantity of hazelnut extract into brewed coffee or use it as a spray on the beans before grinding. To flavor around 10-12 cups of brewed coffee, only half a teaspoon of hazelnut extract is sufficient.

How do you make Folgers hazelnut coffee?

To make a hot and delicious coffee, heat it in the microwave for around 30 to 45 seconds on HIGH. Stir it properly until the coffee dissolves and then pour in some steamed milk. Finally, garnish the coffee with a dollop of creamy foamed milk on the top.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the Coffee Scented Hazelnuts Recipe is an excellent addition to any coffee lover’s recipe book. With its rich and aromatic flavor, it is sure to please any palate. This easy recipe is a delicious way to jazz up your coffee with added fragrance and depth of flavor. Plus, with its versatile nature, it can be adapted to suit almost any taste preference. So whether you’re entertaining guests or just looking for a satisfying snack, this recipe will surely leave you feeling satisfied and craving for more.

But don’t just take my word for it. As a barista, I have seen many customers enjoy the Coffee Scented Hazelnuts Recipe with their morning brew. So why not try making it at home today? With easy-to-find ingredients, you can whip up a batch in no time.

So go ahead and give this recipe a try – you won’t be disappointed! And remember, if you love hazelnut flavored coffee or want to experiment with new flavors, this recipe is perfect for you. From brewed coffee to an iced frappe, the possibilities are endless with this delicious recipe.

So what are you waiting for? Grab some shelled unsalted hazelnuts and start adding coffee fragrance and flavor to your favorite drinks and snacks. Trust me – your taste buds deserve it!

Coffee Scented Hazelnuts

Coffee Scented Hazelnuts Recipe

750 Best Appetizers Makes 2 cups
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 15 mins
Course Appetizer or Snack
Cuisine Fusion
Servings 2 cups
Calories 903.5 kcal


  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon brewed espresso coffee
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated semisweet chocolate
  • 2 cups hazelnuts


  • In saucepan over medium heat, combine water, sugar and coffee and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and swirl in chocolate until melted. Set aside.
  • Spread nuts on baking sheet and roast at 250* until fragrant and golden brown, about 12-15 minutes.
  • Let cool to the touch. Rub nuts in small batches in a tea towel to remove skins.
  • Drizzle syrup over nuts, mixing well to coat. Let cool to room temperature.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 357gCalories: 903.5kcalCarbohydrates: 35.5gProtein: 20.4gFat: 82.7gSaturated Fat: 6.5gSodium: 2.1mgFiber: 13.3gSugar: 18.4g
Keyword < 30 Mins, Easy, Nuts
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