The Perfect Recipe: Make Your Own Coffee Concentrate!

Attention coffee lovers! Have you ever wanted to make your favorite iced coffee at home, but can’t seem to get it quite right? Well, look no further than this coffee concentrate recipe. It’s perfect for making delicious and refreshing iced coffee at home that tastes just like your favorite café.

Not only is this recipe easy to make, but it’s also convenient as it can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks, making it the perfect addition to your morning routine. Plus, with the ability to customize the strength of the concentrate by adjusting the ratio of coffee grounds to water, you’ll have complete control over the strength and flavor of your brew.

With just a few simple steps, you’ll have a cold brew concentrate that can be used to make refreshing iced coffee, iced lattes, or even coffee cocktails. So why spend a fortune at a café when you can make delicious iced coffee at home? Give this coffee concentrate recipe a try today and let your taste buds awaken with every sip.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Coffee Concentrate
Coffee Concentrate

If you’re a coffee lover, this cold brew coffee concentrate recipe is a must-try! It’s the perfect way to indulge in your caffeine cravings while avoiding the bitterness and acidity that often accompanies hot coffee. And if you love iced coffee, this recipe will be your new go-to!

Firstly, making coffee concentrate at home is not only more convenient, it’s also significantly less expensive than buying pre-made iced coffee at a café. With just two ingredients – ground coffee and cold water – this recipe can yield a large amount of concentrate that can be used to make multiple cups of delicious iced coffee.

Secondly, you can customize your cold brew by adjusting the ratio of coffee grounds to water to suit your taste preferences. Some people prefer a stronger brew, while others enjoy it on the milder side. This recipe allows for flexibility in adapting the strength levels, depending on what suits you best.

Thirdly, this coffee concentrate recipe can be easily altered to create fun, flavorful variations. You can add vanilla or caramel extract to make a sweet treat or even experiment with flavors like tiramisu or spiced cold brews. The possibilities are endless!

Finally, this cold brew concentrate is perfect for those who are constantly on-the-go, as it yields enough concentrate for several servings and can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks. Simply mix with ice and your preferred milk or creamer and you’re good to go.

In conclusion, this coffee concentrate recipe offers an array of benefits, including cost savings, customizability, and convenience. So why not give it a try today? I promise that once you experience the smooth and full-bodied flavor of homemade cold brew, you’ll never want to settle for anything less!

Ingredient List

 Wake up and smell the coffee, especially when it's homemade coffee concentrate!
Wake up and smell the coffee, especially when it’s homemade coffee concentrate!

Before you start making the Coffee Concentrate recipe, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand. The good news is that there are only two main ingredients: coffee grounds and cold water. Here are the exact measurements and ratios:

  • 1 cup ground coffee
  • 2 cups cold water

It is important to have a good coffee to water ratio to achieve the perfect flavor profile for your coffee concentrate. A 1:2 ratio of ground coffee to cold water will produce a smoother and balanced taste.

Make sure that you use coarsely ground coffee for this recipe. Finely ground coffee can result in a cloudy and over-extracted concentrate. You can also use pre-ground coffee but try to use freshly roasted beans for optimal flavor.

The Recipe How-To

 The perfect way to kickstart your day is to indulge in a cup of freshly brewed coffee concentrate.
The perfect way to kickstart your day is to indulge in a cup of freshly brewed coffee concentrate.

Now, let’s get started on making this coffee concentrate recipe. It’s surprisingly simple and easy to make, all you need is your patience and some basic ingredients.


  • 1 cup of coarsely ground coffee
  • 2 cups of cold water

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. In a large container, combine the coffee grounds and water using a 1:2 ratio of coffee to water. Stir well to ensure all the coffee grounds are soaked in the water.

  2. Place the lid on the container and let it sit at room temperature for a minimum of 12 hours or up to 24 hours, depending on how strong you like your coffee. This process allows the coffee to brew slowly, resulting in a smooth and flavorful cold brew concentrate.

  3. After the waiting period, place a coffee filter over a small mesh sieve or colander and position it over another container.

  4. Pour the brewed concentrate through the filter slowly, allowing it to strain through completely. This removes any remaining coffee grounds and gives our concentrate its smooth texture.

  5. When all the liquid has passed through the filter, discard the used grounds and filter.

  6. You can now store your homemade coffee concentrate in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Tips for Perfect Results

  • Use good quality medium roast beans for better taste.
  • Use filtered water if possible as hard water can affect taste.
  • Use a French press instead of a large container for easy straining.
  • Adjust coffee to water ratios based on your desired taste preference.

With these simple steps, you can enjoy your very own delicious homemade cold brew concentrate anytime you desire!

Substitutions and Variations

 Say hello to your new secret weapon for all your coffee cravings.
Say hello to your new secret weapon for all your coffee cravings.

When it comes to making the perfect coffee concentrate, there are a variety of substitutions and variations you can try out. For one, you can experiment with different types of coffee grounds, depending on your taste preferences. If you prefer light roast coffee, you might consider using a medium-ground coffee for a smoother and less acidic flavor. On the other hand, if you prefer stronger and bolder flavors, dark-roast ground coffee might be more your style.

If you’re not into cold brew but still want to make coffee concentrate at home, then there are a couple of options for brewing hot coffee and turning that into a concentrate. One method involves using an instant pot to brew hot concentrate. Simply add 1 cup of ground coffee to 4 cups of boiling water, set the pressure valve to “sealing,” press the “manual” button and set it to 20 minutes. Once done, let it naturally release pressure for 10 minutes before releasing the remaining pressure.

Another substitution would be adding flavors to your coffee concentrate! For example, adding vanilla extract or caramel syrup to your cold brew can give it a nice twist. Spices like cinnamon or nutmeg can also bring a cozy touch to your cold brew for colder days or pair it with tiramisu-flavored syrup for an Italian dessert twist.

Remember: experimenting is key! There’s no right or wrong way to make cold brew concentrate – feel free to adjust measurements or ingredients until you find the perfect recipe that suits your taste buds.

Serving and Pairing

 This coffee concentrate is perfect for coffee enthusiasts who love to experiment with flavors and complexity.
This coffee concentrate is perfect for coffee enthusiasts who love to experiment with flavors and complexity.

Now that you have your delicious coffee concentrate, it’s time to serve it up! One of the best things about this recipe is its versatility – you can use it for hot or iced coffee or even create coffee cocktails.

For a simple iced coffee, add equal parts of concentrate and cold water to a glass filled with ice. You can also try adding some flavored syrups like vanilla or caramel to add some extra sweetness.

If you’re in the mood for a warm beverage, add equal parts of concentrate and hot water for a quick and easy cup of hot coffee. Alternatively, you can heat up milk and pour it over the concentrate for an indulgent latte.

But why not think outside the box? This concentrate is perfect for creating unique coffee cocktails. Add some spiced rum and sprinkle cinnamon on top for a fall-inspired drink or make a tiramisu-inspired cocktail by mixing in some cream and cocoa powder.

When it comes to pairing, this coffee concentrate pairs well with sweet pastries like muffins, scones, and doughnuts. It’s also great with savory breakfast dishes like eggs benedict or avocado toast.

No matter how you choose to serve this coffee concentrate, one thing is certain: you’ll enjoy every sip!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 The best part of making your coffee concentrate is that it's customizable to your taste buds and preferred brewing method.
The best part of making your coffee concentrate is that it’s customizable to your taste buds and preferred brewing method.

There’s nothing quite like a cold-brew coffee in the morning, but finding the time to make it fresh every day can be a challenge. This is where the make-ahead and storing options for the coffee concentrate recipe come in handy. Once prepared, the coffee concentrate can be refrigerated for up to two weeks, making it easy to enjoy a delicious cup of iced coffee, anytime.

To store the concentrate, transfer it to an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. When ready to use, simply mix one part of the concentrate with two parts of water and ice. You can even experiment with adding different flavorings such as vanilla or caramel syrup to make your own iced coffee concoction.

When reheating leftover coffee concentrate before serving, transfer it to a small pot and mix with equal parts of boiling water. Heat on low until desired temperature is achieved then transfer back into its container when done.

Overall, this coffee concentrate recipe provides convenience and versatility for any coffee lover who wants their caffeine fix without having to leave their homes. Whether you’re making a single serving or enough for a week, this versatile brew is sure to bring you that boost of energy you need to tackle your day.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Once you try this recipe, you might never go back to off-the-shelf coffee.
Once you try this recipe, you might never go back to off-the-shelf coffee.

When it comes to making a perfect coffee concentrate, there are some tips that can make all the difference. Here are some of my tried and true tips for getting the most flavorful and delicious coffee brew concentrate.

1. Use Good Quality Coffee Grounds: The quality of the coffee grounds is important when making coffee concentrate. Opt for high-quality grounds with a rich, bold flavor to get the best taste.

2. Measure Properly: Precision is key when measuring the ground coffee and water for your cold brew concentrate. Use a kitchen scale or measuring cups to ensure you’re using the exact amount of ingredients called for in the recipe.

3. Grind Size Matters: The right grind size is crucial for a good brew. Coarse grinds work best for cold brew, as they extract oils and flavors slowly over time to create a smooth finish.

4. Use Filtered Water: The water you use can impact the taste of your coffee concentrate. Use filtered water to ensure your coffee doesn’t taste like minerals or chlorine.

5. Brew at Room Temperature: It’s best to brew your coffee concentrate at room temperature rather than in the refrigerator, especially if you’re short on time. Cold brewing at room temperature allows for even better flavors and gives more consistency.

6. Steep Time is Important: Steeping the grounds for too long can result in bitter and overly strong coffee. Conversely, not steeping it long enough might result in weak-tasting coffee with little flavored output.

7. Strain Properly: Proper straining technique is essential when making cold brew concentrate because any excess sediment can lead to an off-putting texture and flavor profile.

8. Experiment With Different Variations:Try experimenting with different grounds, such as flavored ones, vanilla or caramel-infused grounds or spiced grounds, merge diversity into the process.Making a batch of cold brew concentrate can be a fun and tasty experiment so keep every step exciting.


Before you start preparing your coffee concentrate, let’s take some time to answer some frequently asked questions. By answering these, we hope to address any possible doubts or concerns that might arise during the process. So, let’s dive right in!

What is the ratio of coffee concentrate to water?

When it comes to making a great cup of cold brew, many people enjoy a nice balance between the coffee concentrate and water. For those who crave a stronger cup, a concentration ratio of 2:1 is the way to go.

What can you do with coffee concentrate?

If you’re looking for an alternative to espresso, coffee concentrate can do the trick. This substitute can be useful in making various hot or cold milk-based drinks, americanos, frappés, coffee-based desserts, and coffee cocktails.

What is coffee concentrate made of?

Coffee concentrate is a highly condensed form of coffee that undergoes a slow cold water extraction process, typically made using ground coffee beans.

How much coffee concentrate for a cup of coffee?

To whip up a perfect cup of coffee, all you gotta do is mix 1 part of concentrate with 2 parts of boiling water. It doesn’t matter how much or how little coffee you’re making, just keep this proportion in mind.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, making your own coffee concentrate is an excellent way to ensure that you always have a delicious cup of coffee on hand. Regardless of whether you prefer iced or hot coffee, adding this concentrate to any cup of water can make for a truly unforgettable experience.

With the right tools, ingredients, and storage techniques, brewing the perfect coffee concentrate can be easy and rewarding. Therefore, I encourage you to try out different variations and play around with flavors to find what suits your taste.

Next time you are in the mood for a cup of coffee, why not skip the trip to the coffee shop and make your own brew at home? Not only will it save you money in the long run, but it will also give you full control over your drink, from its strength to its flavor. So give it a try today and see how easy it is to make your own coffee concentrate at home.

Coffee Concentrate

Coffee Concentrate Recipe

This is great for making cold coffee drinks in the summer using a French Press. Only problem is it is so easy and delicious you might end up drinking too much coffee.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine Fusion
Calories 0.8 kcal


  • 2/3 cup coffee, coarsely ground
  • 3 1/2 cups cold water


  • Grind your coffee beans on a coarse setting (not too fine).
  • Pour grounds into a 2 cup size French Press coffee maker.
  • Add water and let sit overnight at room temperature (10-12 hours).
  • In the morning swirl the coffee and depress the press and pour off the concentrate. I store mine in a glass jar for the rest of the day (several days is fine).
  • Dilute with water and/or milk 3:1 (3 parts water/milk:1 part coffee concentrate).
  • Add sweetener as desired.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 197gCalories: 0.8kcalCarbohydrates: 0.2gSodium: 4.5mg
Keyword < 15 Mins, Beverages, Easy, From Scratch, Healthy, Low Cholesterol, Low Protein, Very Low Carbs
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